Is Shopify Or Etsy Better For A Small Business?

Starting up a small eCommerce business can be a confusing time with lots to think about. Shopify and Esty are excellent eCommerce platforms; both offering a range of features and tools to get your small business started. However, which is the best and what are the positives of investing in these platforms?

Is Etsy good for a small business?

Esty has occurred over 4.4 million users, averaging around 39.4 million buyers. These impressive figures are due to multiple tools and features that Esty promote.

One of the many positives this platform provides is traffic; Esty operates as a marketplace, which means when customers search for Esty, they find a range of users’ products and services. Therefore, as a seller, you will not need to worry about investing heavily in marketing or promoting your brands/products.

One of the most significant factors of Esty is the platforms’ ‘standard plan’. This plan allows you to sell on the platform, paying listing fees and transaction fees without being charged for a monthly subscription.

Esty is a basic eCommerce platform, allowing its users to have little to no experience, making it extremely easy to get started; reinforcing the idea that the platform is successful for small businesses.

Is Shopify good for a small business?

Shopify is one of the biggest eCommerce platforms, in the year 2020, Shopify accumulated over 44 million customers.

This popular eCommerce platform has numerous high-level tools, boasting the best sales tools on the market! Making overall success with selling a lot easier for the user, as Shopify enables you to track, sync and monitor customer orders and stock levels.

Being remarkably scalable, grants users of all store types from small businesses to large corporations to successfully use the platform. Whilst offering help with controlling your brand, all users can upgrade to use more features like expanding your site’s functions by adding unique apps.

Furthermore, Shopify is one of the only eCommerce platforms that sellers can sell endless products with no restrictions on products; meaning there are no regulations on what products you can sell.

What Differentiates Shopify And Esty?

After discussing the positives, it’s important to address the differences allowing the seller to understand the goals and vision of their business and what’s going to work best for them.

Whilst Shopify is an eCommerce platform, designed to help businesses of all sizes and complexities to grow their online presence without a physical store front. Esty is a marketplace, you will be selling products through their website.

However, Esty has recently started an eCommerce platform that is not as exclusive or ‘in-depth’ as the popular Shopify platform but is extremely useful if you decide to use the marketplace for a small fee of $15 per month with additional add-ons and features.

Overall, both Esty and Shopify have ranges of benefits to assist you in the growth and support of your business. At Adapt Talent we specialize in eCommerce Recruitment,  Magento Recruitment and AI Recruitment and, we have a range of vacancies.

If you’re looking to scale your business and move into the eCommerce space contact us today and we should be able to find someone to help you.