AI: Staying on top in 2022

Even in 2022, most businesses are still yet to adopt AI as a necessity for their work processes. It’s not as easy to transform manual, repetitive tasks into seamless, automated systems that cut out any room for error as you might think.

It’s a long process as AI requires HUGE amounts of data to train complex models just to perform simple, human tasks. Although it’ll be a costly investment to implement the foundations, the businesses that are ahead of the curve will stay on top for years to come.

So what can we expect from 2022?

From a recruitment perspective and much like 2021, the market will remain competitive for talented AI professionals. As more and more enterprises adopt AI, the candidate market, unfortunately, doesn’t grow at the same rate. Businesses will need to foster exceptional recruitment processes and create water-tight retention initiatives for their employees.

The need for specialist staffing agencies like Adapt Talent will increase dramatically. It’s quite funny how many leaders still believe that just posting a job advert will generate a stream of relevant profiles to your door. Unfortunately for them, the brand name and a few bullet points about the company culture will not cut it anymore.

How can Adapt Talent help?

A specialist agency isn’t just a way to get relevant profiles. We are your eyes and ears. We are your daily newspaper. We are the way in which you can keep in tune with the market. What salaries should you be paying? What interview processes should you implement? Who are your competitors and how are they hiring the best talent ahead of you?

This is information that isn’t readily available online, information that I, as an AI tech recruiter, can provide to you. How much does this cost? Nothing. 90% of the value that we can add to your business is free. The cost of not exploring a specialist recruiter is far greater.

How will you stay on top in 2022?

At Adapt Talent we specialise in AI Recruitment and work directly with our clients by placing the best talent in any role. Contact us today to see how we can help find the best AI talent for you.

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