ChatGPT: What is it and how will it help?

*DISCLAIMER: This post was NOT written by ChatGPT

ChatGPT was developed by San Francisco-based OpenAI and has been the talk of the town since its release in November 2022.

The platform is undoubtedly the most advanced chatbot that we have ever seen, it uses very advanced NLP models to not only answer questions but continue a conversation with any follow-up questions too. Also, unlike typical chatbots, its responses are very human-like.

ChatGPT relies on endless amounts of data to help itself understand the question, source the right answer and display it in a way that is understandable to the user.

What are the pros of ChatGPT?

Customer service

Customer service will have a huge advantage from ChatGPT, with 24/7 accessibility, faster response times and more human-like, tailored interactions.

Language barriers

ChatGPT is also engineered to understand and have conversations in multiple languages, which is a huge benefit to businesses that operate globally.

Writing prompts

I think I speak for everyone when I say that writers block is real, and we’ve all experienced it (every time I write an article.) ChatGPT can solve this problem by giving users a start to whatever they’re writing, or write the whole thing, but that would be cheating! (see example below)


The biggest benefit that I have seen with ChatGPT, is its ability to educate the user in a way that is easy to understand. Instead of typing in a question to Google and sifting through the thousands of links, ChatGPT can provide you with the answers but also context in a much shorter space of time.

What are the cons of ChatGPT?


One of the biggest issues with ChatGPT, especially in the first release, was that a lot of the information may be inaccurate. It doesn’t provide references to its info, so it may be presented in a way that makes it seem true, but if highly inaccurate. This has been improved in ChatGPT-3 and 4.

People will need to be wary of this if they use ChatGPT to assist them in writing essays or articles.


Again, this is being improved with every update. However, as ChatGPT is trained on large datasets, these datasets may hold some biases, which will generate inaccurate and unreliable information.


Cyber-criminals are already using ChatGPT to create malware that constantly evolves to evade detection. Also, as ChatGPT relies on vast amounts of data to improve its capabilities, this may come with sensitive information that should be kept confidential.

Overall, ChatGPT has many advantages that can be a huge benefit to several industries and with the constant improvements, a lot of the cons will slowly fade away.

I’m excited to see how ChatGPT slowly becomes embedded into our everyday lives, and maybe I’ll use it to write the next blog post!