How to use social media for eCommerce

The eCommerce industry is changing and expanding on a daily basis and social media has really changed consumer habits and how people connect with brands. People now use social media as one of the main points of contact for brands, as well as sharing what they buy and asking for the opinions of others.

Social media should be one of the main tools of any eCommerce store!

Why you should use social media for your eCommerce store

When it comes to shopping online, social media will be one of the first points of call for most. The consumer might want to look at your product in more detail by looking at reviews on YouTube, look at how products are styled on your Instagram account, or, maybe they want to see how you as a brand interacts with customers.

Social media is a great way to do all of the above, whilst ensuring you get your brand out to the right audience – all whilst boosting organic growth. Social Media Platforms allow you to exchange regularly with your customers and you must make the right decision when it comes to your social media channels as you don’t want to waste time targeting the wrong community.

Aims when it comes to using social media for eCommerce

Be consistent, ensure you’re keeping on top of all of your social pages to ensure your customers are seeing you’re active. We recommend starting with three social platforms – for example, Instagram, Facebook & YouTube and getting those right before expanding. You need to ensure you’re posting regularly – you can easily do this by using a social scheduling tool and spending a couple of hours at the start of each week to get your posts ready. You can also use your website to post weekly or monthly blog posts which you can share across social to stay active.

Always remember, the main focus is on building a community around your brand and communicating with them as much as possible.

Use of organic and paid strategies on social media

Use social media to advertise, this could be by paid adverts across social platforms or simply pushing your product organically to your current audience, a new, exciting photo of an old product could catch the eye of an already existing follower. You can try to reach a new audience by using hashtags – this will push your product further but hit the right audience (If you’re using the right tags).

Organic strategies such as adding relevant hashtags to increase the chances of your brand being discovered and personally interacting with customers build good long-term relationships and get known as a brand that has excellent social customer care. Paid strategies could include forming brand partnerships, using paid advertisement and post boosts.

Using analytics for eCommerce sales

From social media analytics, you can find lots of eCommerce related data.

. Website Clicks

. Profile visits

. Social Shares from your website

. Mentions from customers

. Ad offers and click-throughs

. Mentions of new products or campaigns

Most would agree that a social media presence is essential to elevate your marketing. Social media helps customers and other brands discover you and using analytics you can see what works and what doesn’t. It is important to check what new data is relevant to your industry so you can keep up and keep your brand in the eye of the consumers.

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