The Importance of a Well-Written Job Description

Hiring the right talent now is more difficult than ever. The job market is rife and there are simply not enough qualified candidates in certain markets to keep up with demand. This means that businesses (and recruiters) are needing to go above and beyond previous efforts in order to attract the best talent.

One of the easiest and best ways to attract talent is by improving the quality of your job posts. In this blog, I will explore some of the ways this can benefit you and your search and aim to have you on your way to job description success!

Attract The Most Relevant Candidates

Improving the quality and detail in your job descriptions can lead to attracting a higher calibre of candidates as well as ones that are more relevant to what you need.  This can save time and effort later down the line not only when it comes to sieving through applications but also when you are trying to directly source more candidates.

Establish Expectations

Including your expectations in-depth in your job description can assist with your hiring process later down the line. This will ease stress and again, save time when it comes to the employment of said candidates. If expectations on the candidate’s performance are clear from the offset this will mean there will be no surprises once the person is employed and unable to meet targets/complete tasks that are asked of them. All in all,  establishing your expectations early on in the job description, can save time and both the business and candidate a headache much later on.

Performance Review

Keeping great job descriptions on file can be great pieces of information to revert back to months or years after someone has been employed by your business. Keeping this information stored will allow hiring managers to revert back to see what has or has not been achieved as per the description. This can help the hiring manager with any appraisals, promotions, or even disciplinaries.

Legal Issues

There are no laws around maintaining job descriptions perse however doing so will allow you to comply with some important labour laws in the US. These laws include; Equal Employment Opportunity, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Next time you are writing a job description for your business, take a moment to think. Have I included enough detail? Is the information accurate and clear? Doing this may just save you a whole lot of time and make a real difference.

At Adapt Talent we specialize in eCommerce Recruitment,  Magento Recruitment and AI Recruitment and we have a range of vacancies. Contact us today for help with your staffing needs.

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