The perfect interview process

During my time in recruitment, I’ve experienced all kinds of interview processes. From quick and snappy two-stage processes to long, drawn-out, and tedious 6 stagers.

An interview process isn’t just about every individual stage. From a business perspective, it’s about the whole procedure of defining the role, the candidate skill set, how to evaluate candidates effectively and all this being done before the screening takes place.

Communication with your recruiter is key. The individual or team of recruiters will take your business and role to the market to find the right talent, so we need the full scope of the responsibilities, requirements, USPs, and ultimately, why a candidate should leave the safety of their current position to join you.

An interview process can take many forms and you’ll find each individual business has its own take on what the process should be, but they’re not always right (rarely so in fact!)

If you’re a recruiter, you would’ve heard this saying many times, but it’s one to live by (especially for hiring managers) and not just in recruitment, but sales in general, “time kills deals.”

Candidates are in high demand, and most candidates will be involved in multiple processes all at once by the time their resume has landed at your desk. The quicker the process, the quicker we can beat the competition to presenting an offer.

How many stages are too many I hear you ask?

In my experience, anything more than 4 stages is too many. A 3-stage process would typically run as follows:

  • Initial screen
  • Technical interview (coding task)
  • On-site interview (panel/presentation)
  • Offer meeting

But this could also be condensed even further. A call with an external recruiter is, in my opinion, the first stage, so why would we repeat that same conversation with the candidate and the internal recruiter/hiring manager?

If you trust your recruiter and have given all the information on the position and business, why not remove that first stage and jump straight into the technical screen to mitigate any time that might be lost? This will dramatically decrease the time spent on the process and will give you the best chance to beat the competition.

Here at Adapt, we want to improve your workflows and give you the tools and knowledge to secure the best talent in the market as quickly and as efficiently as possible. A lot of our work here is free, so don’t be afraid to consult an external recruiter who can give an outsider’s opinion on your current processes!

We specialize in eCommerce Recruitment,  Magento Recruitment and AI Recruitment and we work with a number of clients across a range of vacanciesContact us today for help with your staffing needs.